
Leon... Snuggly wild cat

Why is it that every time I try to take a pic of Leon being cute, he ends up looking like a psycho-cat? Seriously, what is he doing in this pic? Should I be scared?!


red buds make me happy

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year. Red buds. Apple blossoms.
Daffodils. Bulbs sprouting. Trees growing deeper mists of green with
each day that passes. Yard work is calling my name... and I don't mind!

16 times in 2009

Wow. I only posted 16 times in 2009. *loser*
In 2008... 188.
What happened to the bb of 2005?
344 posts!
That's almost 1 / day.
I need to find her.

Anybody seen 2005 BB?

If you do, will you tell her I'm looking for her?