
Fryin' Pan has WIRELESS!

John and I are sitting here in a Fryin' Pan in Yankton, SD with our good friend Ronnie. I don't want to type long... cause it has been so long since we've seen him... we've got some catching up to do. But... I'm also excited to find out that the Fryin' Pan really does have wireless internet (Cassy told me they did... but it just seemed too good to be true.)

Right now, we're stoppin' in Yankton on our way to Sioux Falls. Got some more catching up to do with Denice and the peeps up in the Dakotas, too.

We've been in Nebraska since Saturday visiting the Petersen clan. Good times. Good times. Sure wish there wasn't 1000 miles between us.

OK... must go. Thanks for all the cool Christmas wishes on my phone, e-mail and my space. Can't wait to tell you more about our travels when we return to Music City.



Anonymous said...

That's great,but what's a Fryin' Pan ?

Anonymous said...

It was SO great having you here to visit! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! It was the best Christmas present having you come and stay. I miss you already. Safe travels to Iowa. Talk to ya soon!

Luv ya ~
