Hey friends... sorry I haven't posted the past few days. I spent the weekend and the past two days sleeping and trying to swallow. Found out yesterday morning that I have streph throat.
When I woke up yesterday with a throat that was still sore after feeling funky for a week, I decided I'd better go to the doctor.
So, I called in late to work and said,
"If I find out my sore throat is not contagious, I'll be in later this morning. If it is contagious, I'll let you know and I won't come in and spread the love."Well, I went to the doctor. They did a quick streph test and the usual ear, nose, throat check for this type of visit. After a little time, the doctor came in and said she didn't think it was streph throat. It is probably allergies and post nasal drip. Of course, I thought,
"cool... now I can get back to work and get something done."So, I went to the pharmacy, got my allergy Rx filled and went into work. I'd been there about 45 minutes or so when I finally checked my voice mail messages. There was only one, and it was the doctor's office asking me to call them right away.
So, I did.
Well, they apparently didn't wait long enough for the "quick" streph test. The nurse informed me that I indeed did have streph, that they were calling in another Rx for me AND that I should not be at work for at least two days.
Great... the only reason I went to the doctor in the first place was to make sure I didn't go to work and spread something contagious around. Now... after being in the office for almost an hour, having a meeting with the marketing director and talking to several co-workers about various things, I find out that I AM contagious.
My sister-in-law always warns me about the "quick" streph test. She's got three kids and has tons of experience with these things over the past eighteen years. Brenda's told me on several occasssions that she insists on the streph test that takes longer as well as the "quick" cause 50% of the time the "quick" test doesn't catch it... she's not sure if it doesn't have time to incubate and grow, or what... but she warned me. HA.
Anyway, so, I went home as fast as I could and have been trying to sleep it off. It is amazing how sleepy a person is with streph. Seems like I just can't get enough... but hopefully it just means my body is working at healing itself.
I'm hoping tomorrow I'll feel up-to going to work. I've tried to work from home as much as I can inbetween sleeping... there's just too much to do to be stuck at home right now, but I can only do so much via dial-up VPN. My boss is out on maternity leave, our product manager is out on bedrest because she's about a month from having a baby, and our managing editor adopted a baby and is out for a couple more weeks. While everything is going ... I'm feeling just a little bit frazzled and really don't have time to be sick. So... hopefully I'll be able to get something done tomorrow.
OK... end of pity party.
Thanks for reading.