

Check this out:
The iTunes Music Store... coming soon to Starbucks.

Basically, sometime in 2008, when I'm in or near a participating 'iStarbucks' in Nashville, I'll be able to see and buy any song that is playing or the last ten songs that have played.

The only bummer is that I won't get to experience the iStarbucks any time soon unless I am in NYC or Seattle in October... or San Francisco in November... L.A. in February... or Chicago in March.

Since that is unlikely, I take comfort knowing that the service will be available in most major metropolitan areas in the U.S. by the end of 2008. **fingers crossed**

And... I'm also wondering if this is driven by a little technology I'm familiar with called BlueArrow. I'm checking into it... and will let you know as soon as I hear back from my sources.


1 comment:

Duck said...

I can't wait for this new iPod. Not sure about the Starbucks thing, since all it lets you do is browse the itunes music store, and no other internet connectivity, but I'm still psyched. I found your blog completely randomly by the way.