Right now, I feel like I've got ahold of the merry-go-round and I'm running alongside... tryin' my damndest to jump on... but it's going just fast enough that I am not able to catch-up enough to do it.
Last week is a blur. Besides being crazy busy at work we had tons going on.
John's parents were here
Sunday through Tuesday. We had a BLAST back stage at the Opry on Tuesday night. (JTC played with Lee Roy Parnell.) It was amazing. Got tons of pics and hope to take time to post them at some point this week.
John played
3rd with
Lee Roy. It was a spectacular show. All cylinders were firing and the place was packed... and hot. Got pics of that as well... will post when I get them uploaded to the pewter.
Friday, a bunch of us braved 3rd (it was a sauna again) to see my buddy
Bekka and her band. Fabulous. It was hot, but fabulous. Jack Bruno (plays with Tina Turner) was on drums and David Santos (plays with Billy Joel) was on Bass. They're amazing.
Saturday, I wrote most of the afternoon with Karleen and Rachel... and then had plans to melt one more time at 3rd, (
Ashley Cleveland was playing) but just didn't know if I could bring myself to go. As I was at my point of indecision while driving away from the writing appointment, Bekka text'd me asking me to come over... so that is exactly what I did. Problem solved. We watched two movies, "
Firewall" and "
The Last Holiday" while we ate the comfort food we prepared with love... homemade fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. Both of the movies were good, too. Definitely recommend them.
Sunday, I actually slept in (had a major headache yesterday morning). John got home around 2:30 or so. The gigs in NC and VA went well, but he was wiped out. As John left to take Charles (LRP bass player) to the airport, I left to go a little gathering of friends with Bekka. It was so fun and out in the country. Felt like home.
Anyway, that is the "reader's digest" version of my absence the past few days. It's been fun... but fast and crazy.
Now... I can't believe it is already Monday and an entire week went by so fast. This week is shaping up to be the same... and I have to admit... even though I'm a little tired... I kinda like it this way!
What have YOU been up to?!