
Blog peep apology


I just realized that when I finally took the time to move over to the new blogger... I didn't finish updating my blog peeps link section. Life distracted me as I was adding it and I neglected to come back and finish that section.

What a dorky space head. (see photo to the right >>>)

I'M SO SORRY... I hate that for a couple months I've inadvertently left off several of my favorite blogs.

Please forgive me for my thoughtlessness... over the next couple days I'll be adding several blog peeps to my blog roll. AND, if I'm missing your blog, please let me know. I don't want to leave anyone out.


Anonymous said...

Did you take that picture with your phone? Perhaps when you couldn't sleep one night? Hahahahaha

BB Logan said...

connie... um... i mean... i don't know what you (whoever you are) are talking about!
